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Library :: Greece -> Athens :: SBC-Scientific & Biomedical Information Centre Library

SBC-Scientific & Biomedical Information Centre Library

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Address: 61, Ithakis Street, Athens, GREECE   Map
Phone: 0030 2130356566  
Fax: 0030 2130356566
Email: Click to send email to this library
Type: Medical library
Online catalog:
ILS vendor: LibrayWorld
Total collection: 3,500
Keyword(s): Athens Management Health ChemistryOther LibrayWorld
Open hours:
Monday: 09:00-21:00
Tuesday: 09:00-21:00
Wednesday: 09:00-21:00
Thursday: 09:00-21:00
Friday: 09:00-21:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -
Research Information Centre / Library specialized in Biomedicine, Management, Health Care Management & Chemistry.ILL Polices and Document Delivery of SBC Library as international Lender (supplier) : For SBC members there is no charge either from Greece or from abroad. For non SBC members the cost for articles from SBC library holdings is 2. 00 Euros . For the students there is no cost from the SBC library holdings. For articles from overseas libraries the cost is 6.00 Euros by email or 9.60 Euros by post. Comment : Charge applies only to those who charge us. For Loan books or other materials the cost is : 14.00 Euro per loan or 1 IFLA Voucher. Comment : Charge applies only to those who charge us. The Lending period is usually 3 weeks + 1 week renewal. ILL services : Library fills rush requests Delivery methods : We send by email TIFF, email PDF, Fax , Mail We receive by email TIFF, email PDF, Fax , Mail For libraries in USA , the charge: 1. For copies : 5.00 USD or half Voucher per article from SBC library holdings and 11.00 USD from other libraries. Comment : Charge applies only to those who charge us. 2. For loan : 20.00 USD per loan or 1 IFLA Voucher. Comment : Charge applies only to those who charge us. The lending period is usually 3 weeks + 1 week renewal. There is no charge for copies and loan for libraries in USA who are participant in the LVIS program (Libraries Very Interested in Sharing) or have reciprocal agreement (you may download the agreement signed and return it by fax or email) for interlibrary loan with non charge with the SBC library. The library participate also in the FreeForAll , an international collaboration of libraries whose mission is to provide underserved nations with health science journal articles for free.The library participates in EIFL (,working in collaboration with libraries in more than 60 developing and transition countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, and Latin America, EIFL enables access to knowledge for education, learning, research and sustainable community development. EIFL is an international not-for-profit organisation based in Europe with a global network of partners. 2. The library participates in NILDE (, an online service that allows libraries to request and supply documents in a reciprocal manner. NILDE was conceived in 2001 by The Library of the Area of CNR (Italian National Research Council) in Bologna in the context of the "CNR BiblioMIME" project. Since then, it has been used by an increasingly growing network of libraries that have stimulated its continuous development and the growth of innovative features.
Rating: 0 (0 Votes) | Rate it | Modify | Recommend | 1416 Hits | Posted on 2015-03-24

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