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Library :: United Kingdom -> England -> London :: Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) British Architectural Library

Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) British Architectural Library

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Address: 66 Portland Place, London, England, W1B 1AD, England, London   Map
Phone: 02075805533  
Type: Special library
Online catalog:
ILS vendor: SIRSI Corporation
Keyword(s): London Library British Kingdom SIRSI Corporation
Open hours:
Monday: -
Tuesday: 10:00-20:00
Wednesday: 10:00-17:00
Thursday: -
Friday: 10:00-17:00
Saturday: 10:00-13:30
Sunday: -
The Royal Institute of British Architects' British Architectural Library (RIBA Library) is the largest and most comprehensive resource in the United Kingdom for research and information on all aspects of architectureOther librariesRoyal National...
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