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Library :: United States -> New York -> New York :: Lincoln Center Institute Resource Center Library

Lincoln Center Institute Resource Center Library

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Address: 70 Lincoln Center Plaza, New York, NY 10027, USA, New York, New York   Map
Phone: 212-875-5558  
Fax: 212-875-5539
Type: Chained library
ILS vendor: InMagic
Total collection: 10,000
Keyword(s): New York related specific worlds InMagic
Open hours:
Monday: 09:30-05:00
Tuesday: 09:30-05:00
Wednesday: 09:30-05:00
Thursday: 09:30-05:00
Friday: 09:30-05:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -
A library providing resources and information related to the practice of imaginative teaching and learning, to the various performing and visual arts, and to the contextual worlds related to specific works of art in the Institute’s repertory. The Resource
Rating: 0 (0 Votes) | Rate it | Modify | Recommend | 1069 Hits | Posted on 2012-11-20

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