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Library :: Iran -> Mashhad :: Central Library of Astan Quds Razavi

Central Library of Astan Quds Razavi

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Address: Holy Shrine - Bast Sheikh Toosi, Iran, Mashhad   Map
Phone: +985112216555  
Fax: +985112220845
Type: Reference library
Online catalog:
Total collection: 3
Keyword(s): Mashhad knowledge recorded treasures
Open hours:
Monday: 07:00-22:00
Tuesday: 07:00-22:00
Wednesday: 07:00-22:00
Thursday: 07:00-22:00
Friday: 07:00-14:00
Saturday: 07:00-22:00
Sunday: 07:00-22:00
The organization of libraries , museums and the documentation center of Astan- Quds -Razavi is considered as one of the most important treasures of the recorded knowledge of Iran and the world of Islam. There is no information about the exact date of the
Rating: 0 (0 Votes) | Rate it | Modify | Recommend | 754 Hits | Posted on 2012-12-11

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