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Library :: Romania -> Bucharest :: Academia de Studii Economice - Central Library Academy of Economic Studies

Academia de Studii Economice - Central Library Academy of Economic Studies

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Address: Piata Romana nr.6, sector 1, Bucuresti, Bucharest, Romania   Map
Type: Academic library
Online catalog:
ILS vendor: Kelowna Corporation Canada
Keyword(s): Bucharest Central Library scientific Kelowna Corporation Canada
Open hours:
Monday: 08:30-20:30
Tuesday: 08:30-22:30
Wednesday: 08:30-20:30
Thursday: 08:30-20:30
Friday: 08:30-20:30
Saturday: 08:30-16:00
Sunday: -
The Central Library of the Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest was set up in 1913 with a total of 3800 books.Restructured and modernised after 1996, Central Library is the most important unit of scientific information and documentation in teh field of e
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